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Belt maintenance for flatbed transporters

Date :2015-08-17 Viewed :631 times

 Flatbed carrierMaintenance for the flatbed carrier engine belt wear and prevention of aging, are defined, a rare belt in the front of the defining machine, each belt bears the primary result。On the proposed machine, various auxiliary machines are driven by the belt drive, such as the shrink machine of the air conditioner, the power steering pump, the alternator, etc。If the belt is broken, or there may be slippage, it will cause the related auxiliary machinery to lose its function, or its function to decline, and then affect the normal use of the flat transport vehicle。

 Belt reflection method is very simple。First of all, reflect on the tension of the belt, then you can use your thumb to strongly press the belt in the middle of the two belts。According to the pressure of about 10kg, assuming that the pressure of the belt is about 10mm, it is considered that the belt tension knock is suitable。Assuming that the amount of pressure is too large, it is considered that the tension of the belt is lack。Assuming that there is almost no pressure on the belt, it is considered that the tension of the belt is too large。In the absence of tension, the belt can easily slip。When the tension is too large, it is easy to damage the bearings of various auxiliary machines。To this end, the relevant adjusting nut or bolt should be loosened to adjust the tension of the belt to the best shape。

 In addition to that,Flatbed carrierMaintenance must also pay attention to the wear of the belt。Old belt wear serious, so that the belt and pulley contact area sharply。At this time, only a hard pressure on the belt, the belt will sink deep into the groove of the pulley。The rubber of the belt also has an aging problem, assuming that the belt rubber is seriously aging, and it must be replaced with a new belt in time。

 The engine is a flat car brain, if the engine is broken, it is equivalent to a flat car is useless。Platform carTo run on the road every day, if the time is long, it may lead to wear or aging of the engine belt, so the owner generally starts to check the belt after a period of time, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble。